• 13 December 2023


    Category : Inf first person

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    Training in journalistic chronicles for social communicators in Bolivia

    The chronicle is the closest journalistic genre. In the chronicle, particular human stories tell about common human problems

    Participants and representatives of the EU and the EGPP during the final awards ceremony

    The chronicle does not usually get much space in the media: it requires time, resources, going to places, and the skill to write with care and beauty. That is why we chose the chronicle for the first edition of a journalism training within the

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  • 20 November 2023


    Category : Sin categorizar

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    Supporting local development in Cuba with agrivoltaic energy

    Agrivoltaic energy can be seen as the perfect fusion of agriculture and photovoltaics. It is about harnessing the use of the land beneath the solar panels for various crops and livestock. Solar farms are transformed from dry, barren plots of land to lush, lively spaces. This is a major step towards a more sustainable development

    Carbon footprint reduction, crop production or job promotion are some of the benefits of agrivoltaic energy, a sustainable alternative for solar farm land. It is an increasingly common trend that offers a second life to abandoned soils dedicated exclusively ...

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  • 13 November 2023


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    Europe and FIIAPP – 25 years connecting public institutions through the twinning programme

    The European Union's Twinning programme, launched in 1998 to support public policy reforms in EU candidate countries, turns 25

    Family photo during the "Institution Building Days 2023"

    In 1998, the European Union launched the twinning programme to support candidate countries onm their path to EU membership in the institutional reforms needed to bring them closer to European policies and standards. Such has been its success that,

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  • 18 October 2023


    Category : Sin categorizar

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    Cross-regional dialogue against border crime

    We present a series of talks between the European Union and Latin America on cooperation on cross-border crime, in the framework of the European EUROFRONT programme

    One morning, a national police station in Spain receives a report of the theft of a vehicle. It was a top-of-the-range Maserati car. The first investigations led to the identification of the modus operandi used by the persons responsible for the theft. A few days lat...

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