• 29 April 2021


    Category : Interview

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    FIIAPP expatriates: Pedro Cartagena

    Pedro Cartagena tells us in this interview about his experience in Egypt as the coordinator of the Twnning for the strengthening the Egyptian Patent Office, a project finenced by the European Union and managed by FIIAPP

    How was your arrival in Egypt? Is there anything you remember in particular?

    I arrived in Egypt on 5 January 2020, with great enthusiasm despite missing Three Kings Day, my favourite celebration of the Christmas holidays.

    What about settling in? What were the hardest and easiest thing...

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  • 23 April 2021


    Category : Reportage

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    A firm commitment to multilateralism

    Although it is now common for several countries to jointly face global challenges, this is a relatively new phenomenon. The first commitment to multilateralism can be found just a century ago, in 1919, with the creation of the League of Nations. This first attempt was not very successful and demonstrated the difficulties that can arise when national interests have to be set aside for a greater cause.

    During the last few decades the geopolitical scene has undergone major transformations such as a shift in the centres of power towards Asia and the Pacific, the los...

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  • 16 April 2021


    Category : Interview

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    “Tax evasion is not only a cash issue but also an equity issue”

    The expert Fernando Peláez Longinotti, Head of the Economic-Tax Studies Area with the Uruguayan Tax Administration, tells us how the European Union's EUROsociAL+ programme , through its Democratic Governance area led by FIIAPP, is working together with the Paraguayan Tax Administration to reduce inequality by fighting against tax evasion.

    Why is the fight against tax evasion such a powerful tool in combating inequality?

    We are at a critical moment not only in the Latin American region but also at a global level in which the...

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  • 08 April 2021


    Category : Opinion

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    From ‘COVID-19 Round Tables’ to the ‘Team Europe Round Tables’

    The current health crisis is also an opportunity to improve cooperation focused on public policy discussions. A dialogue based on shared values that leads to measurable results and builds fairer and more prosperous societies by focusing on matters like social cohesion, gender equality and the green agenda

    COVID-19 has shown us that pandemics and their associated crises require rapid, coordinated and, above all, global responses to protect people and address th...

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