• 29 July 2021


    Category : Interview

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    #PublicExpertise: the public service for citizens as an absolute priority

    We interviewed the Magistrate-Judge, Óscar Rey, of the Civil Registry of Seville who participates in the cooperation project, managed by FIIAPP and AECID, to support the fight against corruption in Mozambique. It is part of the FIIAPP’s #PublicTalent, mobilised in more than 100 countries.

    What has been the greatest achievement of your experience as a mobilised expert? 

    The greatest achievement so far has been to have been able to get Mozambican institutions to trust in the ability of the

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  • 27 July 2021


    Category : Interview

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    #PublicExpertise: sharing the adaptation to climate change experience

    Spain is sharing its experience in climate change adaptation policies with Latin America through public cooperation between public bodies

    Spain is sharing its experience in climate change adaptation policies with Latin America through public cooperation between public bodies

    We interviewed Mónica Sánchez, a climate change adaptation expert at the Spanish Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge’s Office for...

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  • 22 July 2021


    Category : Interview

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    #PublicExpertise: Guaranteeing access to justice in Latin America

    We interviewed Joaquín Delgado, a lawyer from the Madrid Provincial Court. As a FIIAPP expert, he has worked to guarantee access to justice through the EUROSOCIAL programme.

    As a FIIAPP expert, Joaquín Delgado has worked to guarantee access to justice for vulnerable people through the

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  • 20 July 2021


    Category : Interview

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    #PublicExpertise: Improving security in Ghana, Kenya and Senegal

    Civil Guard Colonel Javier Hernández coordinates the European CT-Public Spaces project to reinforce security in Ghana, Kenya and Senegal.

    Civil Guard Colonel Javier Hernández coordinates the European CT-Public Spaces project to reinforce security in Ghana, Kenya and Senegal.

    What has been the greatest achievement of your experience as an expatriate expert?

     Managing the (CT-Public Spaces)
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