• 10 August 2021


    Category : Interview

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    # PublicExpertise: based on exchange, not on superiority

    We interviewed Fernando Sánchez-Beato, a sociologist at the National Institute of Public Administration in the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Function who has worked on two FIIAPP-managed cooperation projects in Chile and Peru. This is part of FIIAPP’s #PublicTalent programme, which is active in more than 100 countries.

    What would you highlight about your contribution to the mission to improve the lives of people and the planet?

    What I am most proud of is having taken each mission as a personal challenge
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  • 05 August 2021


    Category : Interview

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    #PublicExpertise: strengthening ties between Prosecutors’ Offices

    We spoke with Rosa Ana Morán, Prosecutor of the International Cooperation Chamber about her experience in international cooperation projects, about the value of the public and the importance of cooperation between prosecutors.

    What has been the greatest achievement of your experience as an expatriate expert?

    I believe that the opportunity to strengthen ties of friendship and trust with other foreign and fellow prosecutors and feel that we have been useful in the processe...

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  • 03 August 2021


    Category : Interview

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    #PublicExpertise: Fighting organised crime in Albania

    “I am learning that there is no single way of doing things, accepting what is different and bringing it back to public service in Spain.”

    Prosecutor María Luisa García, deputy director of a cooperation project managed by...

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  • 30 July 2021


    Category : Reportage

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    Corruption: the hidden face of trafficking

    Every year more than 1.7 million women and girls are victims of sexual exploitation. Although the criminal networks and pimps are the ones committing these crimes, they are often able to act thanks to corrupt officials who allow these activities or even participate in them. On World Anti-Trafficking Day, we focus on this dimension of human trafficking and on the commitment of the Latin American Prosecutors' Offices to combat it.

    Gabriella is 15 years old, but her ID card says she has just turned 19. For two years, a network of pimps has had her locked in a brothel where they sexually exploit her. Six months ago she managed to escape from them. When she saw a police station in the distance, she thought she was safe. On arriv...

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