• 28 September 2021


    Category : Interview

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    The FIIAPP’s commitment to transparency

    'We go far beyond the mere fulfilment of the obligations to which we are subject as part of our public service duty'. We interview Laura Gonzalvo, director of Internal Audit and Risk Control at FIIAPP

    Laura Gonzalvo, director of Internal Audit and Risk Control at FIIAPP

    Is the FIIAPP a transparent institution?

    Transparency is a basic principle in the daily management of the FIIAPP. To begin with, as stated in our code of conduct, all the people who work in this organisation...

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  • 23 September 2021


    Category : Interview

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    ‘The project aims to strengthen trust between Lebanese citizens and the Lebanese police’

    We spoke to Joaquín Plasencia García, Chief Inspector of the Spanish Policía Nacional and Team Leader of the project funded by the European Union and entitled "Promoting community policing in Lebanon". Plasencia offers his vision on the mission of the Lebanese National Police (also called Internal Security Forces) in the current context of the country. The project is managed by the FIIAPP.

    The Chief Inspector of the Policía Nacional with a member of the Lebanese Internal Security Forces

    We spoke to Joaquín Plasencia García, Chief Inspector of the Spanish Policía Nacional and Team Leader of the project funded by the European Union and entitled "Promoting community policing i...

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  • 09 September 2021


    Category : Opinion

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    Civil society: a key partner in the fight against racism and intolerance

    Civil society organisations and groups (CSO) are essential in the field of promoting human rights, equality and non-discrimination

    Civil society organisations and groups (CSO) are essential in the field of promoting human rights, equality and non-discrimination

    Florencia Gaya, a 'Living together without discrimination' project specialist and a member of the Spanish Observatory of Racism and Xenophobia (OBERAXE) with technical support responsi...

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  • 02 September 2021


    Category : Interview

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    #PublicExpertise: ‘I am proud to be working together with Mexico against arms trafficking’

    'International cooperation is the basis for strengthening the fight against organised crime'

    'International cooperation is the basis for strengthening the fight against organised crime'

    Commander of the Civil Guard and specialist in the project financed by the European Union, EMPACT FIREARMS, Adriana Tostón is part of the #PublicExpertise  harnessed by FIIAPP. In addition...

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