• 24 May 2013


    Category : Opinion

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    Reflections on Peru

    Lima has left a good taste in the mouth. This is reflected in the interviews, news items, videosand different communication materialsthat the Forum has generated, with others yet to arrive, and which are available in the different communication channels of FIIAPPand EUROsociAL. Enrique Martínez, head of communication of EUROsociAL (Click here to see the interview)

    But, in addition, it inspires other reflections, perhaps best considered here, of a personal and professional nature, individual and collective, from continent-wide to local:

    1. Latin America and Europe improve each other, they need to work together, but in addition to doing so through new ...

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  • 21 May 2013


    Category : Interview

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    FIIAPP in 2 minutes


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  • 17 May 2013


    Category : Opinion

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    “A year of transition for Spanish development cooperation”

    La cooperación española ha atravesado un año de transición marcado por las nuevas directrices contenidas en el IV Plan Director 2013-2016. Avalada por las pautas internacionales de la Alianza de Busan para la eficacia de la ayuda, busca primar la eficacia real de la ayuda en función del marco institucional, las políticas aplicadas por el receptor, los niveles de corrupción, el riesgo moral y la apropiación y evaluación de resultados. Las limitadas fuentes de liquidez internacional han obligado a ser más austeros y selectivos en la utilización del dinero del contribuyente, en lo que se refiere a países destinatarios de la ayuda: 24, pertenecientes a las zonas consideradas más estratégicas para España. Para leer el artículo completo de Javier Morillas, Catedrático de Economía Aplicada, Universidad CEU San Pablo, pincha aquí

    Spanish cooperation has experienced a year of transition marked by the new guidelines contained in the 4th Master Plan 2013-2016. Backed by the international guidelines of the Busan Alliance for the efficacy of aid, it seeks to promote the real efficacy of aid depending on the institution...

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  • 09 May 2013


    Category : Interview

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    Interview with the Director of the AECID

    Juan López-Dóriga is the Director of the AECID (the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation). Between 2004 and 2008, he was the Spanish Ambassador in Guatemala and he subsequently took up the position of Director General of Planning and Evaluation of Development Policies (DGPOLDE) of the State Secretariat for International Cooperation.

    -          How has the international economic crisis influenced (and influences) the sector? The map of cooperation has changed, but not only due to the crisis. There are new challenges, there is a constant transformation. The number of both donor and re...

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