• 04 June 2013


    Category : Opinion

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    In an Episode of CSI

    On 19 April, the project to improve forensic capacities in Turkey came to an end. Two years of work to train a large number of specialists in a number of institutions in the most diverse, extraordinary disciplines. If there is one thing that has characterised this project it is precisely the fact that it encompassed many different areas of expertise.

    Engineers specialised in investigating impacts in traffic accidents, entomologists with expert knowledge of the organisms which cause the decomposition of bodies, anthropologists capable of making bones speak and geneticists who can identify suspects from the tiniest of blood samples, have a...

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  • 03 June 2013


    Category : Opinion

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    The EU’s 2014-2020 financial framework

    At the end of 2011, the European Commission presented its proposal for the 2014-2020 financial framework of the EU.In February 2013, the European Council decided to limit the 2014-2020budget to €959 billion (corresponding to 1% of GDP). This is the first austerity measure in the history of the EU's multi-annual financial frameworks. In real terms, it means a 3.4% reduction in the budget. Currently, the European Parliament and the European Council are negotiating with the European Commission on the adoption of the instruments that regulate the different chapters of the financial framework. Heading4, “Global Europe”, includes external action instruments with a funding proposal of €96.25 billion, which must be reduced to the total of €84.69 billion approved by the EU Council (€58.7 billion + €26.98 billion for the European Development Fund).

    Changes in the main external action instruments The October 2011 Agenda for Change is the programming document for the future development cooperation of the EU, introducing concepts such as the differentiated focus (geogra...

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  • 31 May 2013


    Category : Interview

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    How do we construct the post-2015 agenda?

    We’ve interviewed Raphaëlle FAURE, from the ODI, one of the institutes that participated in the preparation of the 4th European Report on Development to define the post -2015 agenda.

    What are the main conclusions of this Report, where are we heading “post-2015”? The report focuses on three main issues which must be key from 2015 on. The first one is funding for development. In a couple of years, we must realise that we ca...

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  • 27 May 2013


    Category : Opinion

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    The FIIAPP trains its personnel in fire prevention

    Relatively minor fires are a frequent occurrence. We often hear and see news about fires, but we always think it won't happen to us. Many of thesefires could have been avoided with PREVENTION.

    Every day, we take the bus, the train, the metro, we drive our cars through tunnels that take us to our places of work, we visit hundreds of places which have certain safety standards in place and, in the majority of cases, we do not know what they are; in fact, we don't even think about it. Some...

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