Through the European project CT-Just and in cooperation with CTEEAS and EUAM Iraq and the Iraqi Ministry of Interior, the aim is to reinforce the counter-terrorism capabilities of police forces and to strengthen international cooperation in this field.
The programme, which took place in the facilities of the National Police of Madrid and the Police Academy of Avila over three days, was attended by Iraqi police officers and representatives of EUAM Iraq, together with the support of the CT-Just and FIIAPP team. The visit covered topics such as deactivation of TEDAX devices, forensic and DNA analysis, ballistics and forensic databases including advanced technology. They were also shown the organisational structure of the Spanish police, as well as the specialised training received by the scientific police.
Agustín Fernández, director of the Justice and Rule of Law area of the FIIAPP, stressed the importance of this collaboration to reinforce the rule of law in Iraq. He also underlined the fundamental importance of international cooperation in the fight against terrorism and organised crime, without forgetting coordination within the countries themselves, including the judicial system and police forces. This joint effort, he explained, is essential to ensure the gathering of valid evidence, effective prosecutions and firm convictions.
Fernández also emphasised the need for a multidisciplinary approach to complex crimes such as cybercrime, environmental crime or cultural heritage crime. In these cases, it would not be enough for law enforcement alone to intervene, but the involvement of other state institutions would also be necessary.
Finally, he reaffirmed Spain’s commitment, as a member state of the European Union and a Mediterranean country, to strengthening cooperation with Iraq and other partner countries.
The success of the training and study visit has reinforced the European Union’s commitment to Iraq through the CT-Just project. It has marked the beginning of a new phase in the implementation of global standards in security and justice. This joint effort continues to be an example of how local capacities can be strengthened to address global challenges and build safer and more resilient communities. CT-Just will continue in 2025 with new bilateral activities with Iraq in both the judicial and policing frameworks.