Representatives of eight West African countries to work together to fight human trafficking in the region
The EU-funded project, A-TIPSOM: Combating Trafficking in Persons and Irregular Migration in Nigeria, has supported the creation of the West African Coalition against Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants (WACTIPSOM) and worked hand in hand with its members to enable them to work in a more collaborative and strategically planned way.
WACTIPSOM held a historic regional retreat in Nigeria’s capital Abuja, a significant step forward in the fight against transnational organised crime, particularly human trafficking and migrant smuggling. The retreat brought together representatives from eight West African countries, paving the way for greater collaboration and strategic planning.
This retreat brought together representatives from Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Niger and Sierra Leone and organised a three-day leadership programme in collaboration with the Network of Civil Society Organisations Against Child Trafficking, Abuse and Labour (NACTAL). The retreat addressed the lack of prior meetings of WACTIPSOM members to plan for sustainability.
In addition, some discussions were held during the retreat that led to the development of key documents, including an annual work plan and a strategic plan. These documents, aimed at improving collaboration and effectiveness, were presented to attending partners and donor agencies.
The WACTIPSOM Regional Retreat has proved to be a turning point in the fight against human trafficking in West Africa. The engagement of key stakeholders, the development of vital working documents and the strengthening of the regional network demonstrate a renewed and collective effort to combat transnational organised crime in the region.