Thanks to the impulse of the European project to support community policing in Lebanon, the first cooperation agreement has been reached between the Lebanese National Police and the Lebanese Municipal Police
After two years of effort, the project “Promoting Community Policing in Lebanon” has managed to draw up the first Cooperation Agreement between the National Police and the Municipal Police in Lebanon. This agreement lays the groundwork for establishing coordination and communication mechanisms between the two security forces and reinforces regular information exchange, joint operations and coordinated efforts to reduce crime in Lebanon.
Law enforcement collaboration embodies the spirit of community policing, where law enforcement officers become not only protectors but also trusted allies in neighbourhoods. It demonstrates that, working side by side, police forces can create a safer environment for society and future generations.
The project organised a conference on the importance of strengthening cooperation and coordination between security agencies, providing an opportunity to discuss the challenges faced by the Internal Security Forces (ISF) and the Lebanese Municipal Police (LMP) in achieving better cooperation. The conference brought together representatives of both bodies from different regions and municipalities to discuss and identify the best ways to move forward concretely towards more effective and efficient coordination between the ISF and the Municipal Police in Lebanon.