EU4JUSTICE: Support to the Fight against Organised Crime and Corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia Herzegovina

EU4Justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) builds on the first phase of this project and aims to further support the rule of law in BiH and provide a wide range of expertise to improve the functioning of the judiciary.   

BiH presents numerous challenges in the areas of rule of law and fundamental rights. In addition, the country is also affected by transnational crimes and challenges linked to organised crime and corruption. These security challenges require increased cooperation between the various justice sector agencies, as well as close coordination with key international actors and donors present in the country.  

BiH is expected to meet EU justice standards as part of its application for EU membership, but its complex and fragmented institutional structure has resulted in a weak justice system. The aim of the project is to assist justice sector institutions to bring BiH's judiciary up to EU rule of law standards by improving professionalism, efficiency and transparency, enhancing professionalism, efficiency and transparency for the benefit of its citizens.

The project will carry out specific activities together with the national beneficiary institutions of the justice sector, to contribute to the improvement of their competences, work processes and tools, in line with European standards and through the following components:  

- Component 1- Strengthening of the monitoring and evaluation capacities of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC).  

- Component 2 - Strengthening the integrity of the HJPC.  

- Component 3 - Support for the institutional and organisational development of the HJPC.  

- Component 4 - Support for coordination and cooperation within the criminal justice system in the fight against corruption and organised crime. 

Project data


Justice and the Rule of Law


Bosnia Herzegovina


Start - 01/12/2022
End - 01/12/2025

Total budget


European Comission

We work with

Ministry of Justice, Attorney General's Office, General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ)

Project news

Imagen de la noticia
06/07/2023 The second phase of the project for the improvement of the Bosnian justice system kicks off The second phase of the European project EU4JUSTICE, which will accompany Bosnian justice institutions in improving their capacities and aligning them with European standards, has been launched in... Icono de flecha hacia la derecha