The European Union Commission adopted in June 2019 a Communication promoting the protection and restoration of forests globally. In this document, it recommends the creation of a multi-stakeholder platform to foster exchange and promote certification schemes for deforestation-free products, with the aim of combating imported deforestation. In addition, the EU is committed to reducing, through legislation, the risk of deforestation and forest degradation associated with commodity imports.  

It is in this context that the EU-funded Amazonia+ Programme, implemented by AICS (leader of the initiative), FIIAPP and Expertise France, in collaboration with the Joint European Research Center (JRC) on scientific and academic aspects, has emerged.  

The main purpose of the Amazon+ Programme is to strengthen the capacity of the eight Amazon basin countries (Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela) to mitigate CO2 emissions, adapt to climate change, reduce deforestation and protect biodiversity. It focuses on combating deforestation, forest degradation and promoting sustainable forest management. It also seeks to prevent, monitor, control, combat and remediate the impacts of forest fires. It also focuses on the development and implementation of environmental and forest governance policies and mechanisms, with the active participation of local communities and indigenous peoples in the Amazon basin.

  • Project data

  • Countries

    Suriname, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Guyana, Bolivia.

  • Sector

    Economic Development and Environment

  • Total budget

    18.399.988,93 €

  • Financer

    European Comission

  • Collaborating Spanish institution

    Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge

  • Date

    Start - 02/2023
    End - 02/2027

  • Partners

    AICS, Expertise France

Imagen de la noticia
29/05/2024 We ask ourselves if fire can help us to conserve the Amazon Integrated fire management specialists and fire professionals from different countries of the Amazon basin have met in Colombia to create a space for the exchange of information on fire... Icono de flecha hacia la derecha