Support the State Veterinary Service in creating a National System for the identification of animals and registration of livestock.


"The general objective of this project is to increase food safety controls for consumers and facilitate trade through reforms and modernisation of the sanitary and phyto-sanitary sectors.
This general objective will be achieved by strengthening the veterinary service in general through special assistance in creating a system to identify and trace animals.”

Project data


Green Economy: climate change, energy, agriculture and fisheries




Start - Green Economy: climate change, energy, agriculture and fisheries
End - Green Economy: climate change, energy, agriculture and fisheries

Total budget

1.000.000,00 €


Green Economy: climate change, energy, agriculture and fisheries

We work with

"Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino ARMA(Agencia para le restauración y la modernización de la Agricultura)"