Lebanon’s community police support project has held the meeting of its first steering committee after concluding the start-up phase
The community police work directly with local people to try to solve their problems. The “Promoting community policing” project, financed by the European Union and overseen by FIIAPP together with CIVIPOL, works on social cohesion by promoting a local police force that respects human rights and the rule of law in Lebanon.
The project specifically aims to improve the implementation of the community policing model by strengthening the role of the Internal Security Forces as drivers of stability and social cohesion. Work is also being done to ensure accountability and compliance with the human rights of the ISF while strengthening their collaboration and association with civil society and other significant stakeholders.
The project has held the first steering committee meeting after completing the start-up phase and beginning the implementation phase. All the interested parties (Lebanese institutions, the EU delegation, the representatives of FIIAPP and CIVIPOL, the implementing agencies, the embassies of the two partner countries – Spain and France – and the project team among others) presented and discussed the progress made during the first six months of the project.
The project will apply an integrated approach based on the exchange of peer experiences, combined with dialogue, guidance and counselling. Training will be provided to improve the institutional structure of Lebanese public bodies. Finally, conditions will be improved through the supply of equipment and the renovation of police stations in Beirut and elsewhere in Lebanon.