The area of knowledge management works to guarantee the FIIAPP’s development and innovation on the basis of the knowledge generated through its activity
The progress of the last decades has been marked by the revolution in information and communication, causing great changes in the way we understand and manage reality. These changes have had and are having a special impact on the FIIAPP, an organisation dedicated to the exchange of knowledge among public administration specialists.
Information management is a central element which is worked on in the Knowledge Management area. It is a cross-cutting priority of the organisation which is fundamental to guaranteeing growth based on innovation, continuous learning and the incorporation of best practices. Not only does it involve managing other administrations’ public knowledge, but also that of the Foundation, which has resulted from more than 20 years of experience in the management of international cooperation projects.
From knowledge management, three types of knowledge have been determined which are key to the organisation’s development. Strategic awareness means being aware of the context in which the organisation operates, the international agenda and the priorities of the actors with whom the Foundation relates. Methodological awareness enables the development of techniques that ensure a horizontal, innovative transfer of awareness oriented to partners’ needs. Finally, procedural awareness focuses on aspects which are more administrative in nature (logistics, economic, legal management, etc.), in which it is essential to establish solid and quality procedures that guarantee the proper functioning of the organisation.
FIIAPP has developed a cycle for the management of these types of awareness based on three phases: engage, process and disseminate. Engagement is essential to be aware of the knowledge that is generated in the organisation. If it is not processed, this knowledge remains on a superficial level and all the information that arises from analysis and reflection is lost. Finally, “what is not communicated does not exist”. Without dissemination, knowledge loses its ultimate function, that of contributing to innovation and the organisation’s development. Based on this cycle, tools such as manuals, protocols, videos, etc., have been designed that contribute to the enrichment of the collective work culture, a fundamental pillar of the FIIAPP.