This Latin American country has approved regulations that will implement the Framework Law against the climate crisis
Climate change is already a reality. To combat this, the Peruvian Congress has unanimously approved the regulations that will implement the Framework Law on Climate Change. Peru has, thus, provided itself with an instrument to deal with the transformations that the country needs in terms of adapting to and mitigating climate change. The law will also serve to fulfil the commitments within the framework of its accession to the Paris Agreement.
The regulations that the Latin American country made public on 1 January will implement the application of the law and its consolidation in specific public policies for: “The integral, participatory and transparent management of adaptation and mitigation measures to climate change”.
This approval comes after an extensive process of prior consultation with indigenous peoples, as indicated in the International Labour Organization’s Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention (No. 169) ratified in the Peruvian Law on the Right to Prior Consultation with Indigenous and Native Peoples.
The process was supported by EUROCLIMA+, a programme funded by the European Union, within the framework of its “Gender and Vulnerable Groups” line of action, in whose management FIIAPP participates.
The objective has been to promote an intercultural dialogue between the State and indigenous and tribal peoples to reach an agreement and thereby contribute to the design and implementation of measures against climate change.
The regulation establishes, among other things, the obligation to guarantee spaces for participation with non-state actors, with special emphasis on indigenous women, in the design, formulation, implementation and monitoring processes of the state’s policies, strategies, plans and projects that incorporate adaptation and mitigation measures.
In addition, the same regulation proposes the creation of the Indigenous Peoples’ Platform to face climate change. This platform will serve to disseminate traditional and ancestral knowledge, practices and wisdom to contribute to the integral management of climate change.