Moroccan officials have participated in the United Nations expert meeting on the transport of dangerous goods by road
A group of Moroccan experts, belonging to the Ministry of Equipment, Transport, Logistics and Water (METLE), visited the United Nations in Geneva, with the aim of promoting their active and responsible role in implementing the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Land (ADR).
The visit is part of one of the activities in the European Union-funded twinning project on dangerous goods transport, which is managed by FIIAPP. The project relies on the work of experts from the Spanish Ministry of Public Works who are working with their Moroccan counterparts with the aim of improving transport safety and strengthening the structures and activities related to the transport of dangerous goods by road, taking into account the international ADR regulatory framework.
In addition, the visit was used to seek possible synergies with the “EUROMED Transport-Project”, which is also funded by the European Union, which, in addition to sharing the same geographical area, also seeks the same objective: improving road safety.