Twenty-five Peruvian civil servants receive training on intelligence as part of the cooperation project on fighting drug trafficking.
For a total of 10 days, 25 civil servants from different Peruvian public institutions received training on “Preparing documentation in intelligence”, with intelligence understood to be the work of massive information collection and the processing of the same with the purpose of improving decision-making. The individuals in charge of leading this training were two Spanish experts from the National Police and the Civil Guard, within the framework of the international cooperation project on fighting drug trafficking in the country.
With this training, the participants learned about useful and effective information gathering techniques. One of the techniques demonstrated during the training is the “intelligence-led policing” method, a method of organising intelligence recommended by international bodies such as the UN and the European Union. Additionally, they received training on methods of disseminating information.
The intelligence domain constitutes one of the priority lines of action in the fight against drug trafficking. For this reason, in the past three years, the European Union, through a consortium of four countries (Germany, Spain, France and the United Kingdom) has presented 23 intelligence courses aimed at Peruvian civil servants specialised in the fight against drug trafficking.
The closing event for the course was attended by the Head of EU Cooperation in Peru, Stefan Pauwels, who stressed that “the fight against drug trafficking requires joint work, as it is a global problem, and it is important to strengthen intelligence systems”.