For the past two days, the FIIAPP and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) have been holding a meeting of senior public officials to address the dialogue between the European Union (EU) and Africa on migration and development, also known as the ‘Rabat Process’, to foster an exchange of experiences in this area.
The ‘Rabat Process’was initiated in 2006 for the purpose of confronting the challenges of migration and also to analyze opportunities for development in general. Since 2013, it has been strengthened in its third development phase through the implementation of a new support project, financed by the European Commission (EC) and led by the FIIAPP and the ICMPD, which encourages this dialogue.
This support project promotes, on the one hand, an exchange of information and competencies between the participating countries, and, on the other, provides assistance in meeting the objectives defined in the last Ministerial Conference on Migration and Development held in Dakar in 2011.
The meeting in Rabat is taking place in this context. There, in addition to sharing the best practices of the 57 European and African countries participating in the ‘Rabat Process’, as well as results and the activities being undertaken in this area, this year’s edition aims to define the priorities, cooperation framework and operations for the fourth period of this process.
This declaration of intent will be adopted in Rome at the fourth Ministerial Conference on Migration and Development next November, which gives the Rabat meeting a key role in shaping this dialogue.
The FIIAPP and the ICMPD organized the Rabat meeting with a dual format: plenary sessions and work by participatory groups for the 120 attendees from a total of 60 countries and international organizations.